What Has God Done for Us Lately?

by Lanette R.  Frazier

I want to REMIND ALL OF US of what God has done for us lately.  We tend to get so caught up on our emotions and circumstances from day-to-day that we truly tend to forget WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR US LATELY!

I recognize that we all have been going through some things and might not be able to see our way clearly all the time, but we always need to remember one thing no matter what.  We need to always give thanks to the Lord, not just  because of what he HAS done for us, not just for what HE IS doing for us, and not just for what he is ABOUT to do for us.  We need to give thanks to the Lord just because HE is Lord and He is worthy to be praised.

He is our source of strength.  He makes it so that we are able to endure and have victory over the snares of the enemy.  That in itself should put a song in your heart and lift up your spirits in the time of trouble.  We all know that trouble doesn’t last forever and that joy will come in the morning.  Songs of joy and victory should be sung amongst us because we KNOW, what we KNOW, what we KNOW and we KNOW that GOD:

· woke us up this morning

· started us on our way

· brought us out of the darkness into HIS Marvelous light

· And oh, even though the enemy tried to destroy us,  HE gave us victory.  HE allowed us to STOMP on the enemy and STAND victoriously!

The LORD truly does have strong arms that deliver us, hold us up, and give us the victory!  Think about what God has done for you lately and recognize that because of WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU LATELY you are STANDING HERE in TRIUMPH.

So, when people ask you “What Has God Done for YOU Lately”, tell them that God saved you from the HANDS of your enemies so you might live and spread the news of HIS goodness and mercy that truly ENDURES forever.

Also, because He saved you, you are among the righteous who will be able to go before the LORD and give THANKS.  Giving HIM thanks for being there when you whispered that little prayer, thanks for being your rock and your shield, thanks for being your Redeemer, and thanks for giving you TOTAL victory over your enemies.   We know that if it had not been for the Lord on our side, we would have been DONE IN a long time ago.

HIS love, not man’s love, endures forever – true UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  So, what has HE done for us lately?  He has loved us as we are! No exceptions!  He has done EVERYTHING!

Lanette R. Frazier lives in Pine Bluff, Arkansas where she is a Licentiate and Director of the Women’s Ministry at Allen Temple A.M.E Church.  She is also the author of “Standing Victoriously Over Your Storm” to be published in 2012. Her website is http://www.lanetterfrazier.com.

4 thoughts on “What Has God Done for Us Lately?

  1. Bravo. Sister Frazier is truly an anointed vessel of God; I am so thankful that she is trusting God to let her gifts make room for her, while giving Him all the glory for our common good! I suggest to anyone, that she is someone to keep your eyes on, because from God and thru her, shall be rivers of blessings flowing our way and I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out…..

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